Financial Check-Up

New Year’s resolutions tend to revolve around fitness and wellness, but how’s your financial health?

Here’s Your Financial Check-Up in 5 Quick Steps:

  1. What’s your Credit Score? With fraud and cyber issues these days, make sure you’re keeping an eye on your credit report. You don’t have to pay for your credit report either; lots of free options out there, for example, Annual Credit Report (

  2. What’s your savings status? Bulk up your savings by having it automatically deposited into your savings from payroll. You never know when that emergency is going to happen, and you’ll need extra cash.

  3. What are your retirement savings? If your employer has a contribution match, make sure you’re taking advantage of that free money!

  4. Where’s your spending money going? To save more and cut back on spending, go on a “spending fast.” Take a look at your spending, and only buy “needs,” not “wants.”

  5. Do you have spending leaks? What memberships do you have that you’re not actually using? If you’re not using them, get rid of them (magazines, gym memberships, TV packages, gaming packages, etc.). Do you go out to eat every day? Packing a lunch can save you a lot of money.

Once you’re aware of how you’re sitting financially, you’ll be more aware of how and where you spend your money!

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